🔥 主题:

Receptionist 诊所诚聘 全职 和 兼职 前台

💸 时薪:面议
🍻 分类:诊所药房
🕛 发表时间:01/31/24
🕒 上次编辑:01/31/24
🕕 最后更新:01/31/24
💬 联系:

纽约布鲁克林医疗诊所急聘 全职 和 兼职 前台;需要双语电脑流利,长期任职,有身份,可报税;有意者请电邮简历到 hrmedicalstaff1@gmail.com

Brooklyn medical office looking for both full-time and part-time receptionists.
Must be bilingual in English and Chinese, have proficient computer skills, be able to work long-term, and have valid status in the U.S.
Please email resume to hrmedicalstaff1@gmail.com
