🔥 主题:

》纽约布鲁克林医疗诊所请 “前台”《

💸 时薪:面议
🍻 分类:销售助理文员
🕛 发表时间:06/19/22
🕒 上次编辑:06/19/22
🕕 最后更新:06/19/22
💬 联系:

纽约布鲁克林医疗诊所现招 全职 或 兼职“前台”,需要有身份,会英文和中文(粤语或普通话),基本电脑操作,可以长期任职。
有意者请联系邮简历到 cityfacilityoffice@gmail.com
请在电邮里写明您想申请 前台 的职位。

Medical Facility seeking for Receptionist with both full-time and part-time positions available.
Must have valid status in the U.S.
Must be bilingual in English and Chinese (Cantonese and/or Mandarin).
Basic typing and computer knowledge.
Able to work long-term.
If interested, please email your resume to cityfacilityoffice@gmail.com
Please indicate in the email that you are applying for the receptionist position.
