🔥 主题:


💸 时薪:面议
🍻 分类:其他各类招聘
🕛 发表时间:05/02/23
🕒 上次编辑:05/02/23
🕕 最后更新:05/02/23
💬 联系:




1. 具备物流或清关操作工作经验,熟悉物流及清关流程;
2. 熟练使用办公软件,如Microsoft Office等;
3. 具备良好的英语沟通能力,能够熟练使用中英文;
4. 具备团队合作精神,勇于承担工作压力;
5. 注重细节,有责任心和良好的客户服务意识。

公司地址于皇后区法拉盛, 工作时间为周一到周五早上10点到晚上6点。


Hiring Logistics and Customs Clearance Operators

We are a professional logistics company that provides efficient, reliable, and considerate logistics solutions to our clients. We are currently seeking talented individuals with experience in logistics and customs clearance operations to join our team. We are looking for individuals with the following qualities:

Job Requirements:

1. Experience in logistics or customs clearance operations, familiar with logistics and customs clearance processes;
2. Proficient in using office software such as Microsoft Office;
3. Excellent English communication skills, fluent in both Chinese and English;
4. Team player, willing to take on work pressure;
5. Detail-oriented, responsible and customer service oriented.

We are located at Flushing, Queens. The work schedule is Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

If you are interested in this position, please send your resume to ops@bestdinc.com or call 718-715-9266 to contact us. Salary is negotiable. We look forward to your joining our team!
