🔥 主题:


💸 时薪:面议
🍻 分类:工地装修建筑
🕛 发表时间:01/31/25
🕒 上次编辑:01/31/25
🕕 最后更新:01/31/25
💬 联系:

法拉盛工程师事务所聘请助理多名,中文和英文两种语言流利,熟练操作AUTOCAD,工作细心负责,好的沟通技能,欢迎有绘图经验的申请者。没有经验可以培训。 有意者发简历到:toprofanil@yahoo.com
Flushing Engineer's office is looking for full time assistants。 Applicant shall 1) be fluent in Chinese English speaking and writing; 2) be familiar with Autocad; 3) be responsible.
Applicants with experience of working in A/E office are welcome. New graduates without experience are also encouraged. Office is located at the center of Flushing and close to all transportation. Please send brief resume to : toprofanil@yahoo.com
