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💸 时薪:面议
🍻 分类:码农网页软件
🕛 发表时间:07/12/23
🕒 上次编辑:07/12/23
🕕 最后更新:07/12/23
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Marketing Coordinator, E-commerce

Trender Clothing is seeking an enthusiastic, creative, dynamic, and hard-working Marketing Coordinator who brings depth, experience, along with an eagerness to continue learning and growing. We are a fashion E-commerce company based in NYC, offering modern and elegant clothes and jewelry for young professional women. We have enjoyed steady growth and built a solid team through extensive training and development to ensure our long-term success, as well as the long-term success of our team members.

We are seeking the right individual to join us for an opportunity and responsibility. You will work with our existing marketing team, including the Marketing Director, Product Designer, and the shareholder directly. You will also add new elements and make changes, remove, or update aspects of the existing program as appropriate.

Trender Clothing是一家位于纽约的时尚电子商务公司,为年轻职业女性提供现代优雅的服装和首饰。

To Apply, please send your resume to :info@trenderclothing.com
应聘请发简历到 :info@trenderclothing.com

• Develop a viable and robust SEO strategy based on best practices and data analytics.
• Provide guidance on website projects and initiatives to ensure compliance with the SEO strategy and best practices.
• Optimize all copy for SEO and employ channel best practices to maximize reach.
• Assist in the development, design, and implementation of events and special projects.
• Implement social media campaigns on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok.
• Design and produce marketing materials such as posts and stories to support projects, events, and social media efforts.

• 负责Instagram/抖音/Google搜索信息流广告投放,制定投放策略,对推广效果负责,提升店铺的转化率。
• 监控社交媒体与搜素引擎SEO等渠道的推广计划的实施,确保广告投放有效性,完成引流,确保符合SEO策略和最佳实践。
• 优化文字内容以符合SEO要求,并最大程度地扩大影响力。
• 协助开发、设计和和促销活动。
• 在Instagram、Facebook和Tiktok等平台上执行社交媒体推广活动。
• 设计并制作营销材料,例如Post和Story,以支持日常项目、活动和社交媒体宣传。

If this sounds like you:
• Proven experience in SEO.
• Proficiency in office software such as Word, Excel and familiarity with design software like InDesign and Photoshop.
• Familiarity with website analytics tools, SEO, and Google web-based tools like Google Analytics, Tag Manager, and Search Console.
• Basic knowledge of video shooting editing is preferred.
• Ability to prioritize tasks to meet goals and manage multiple projects effectively.
• Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
• Ability to actively contribute to the team on a daily basis.
• Must be proficient in English and Mandarin.

• 具备SEO方面的经验。
• 熟练使用办公软件,如Word、Excel,并熟悉设计软件如InDesign和Photoshop。
• 熟悉网站分析工具、SEO以及Google基于网络的工具,如Google Analytics,Tag Manager和Search Console。
• 具备基本的视频拍摄和编辑知识者优先考虑。
• 能够根据目标优先安排任务,有效地管理多个项目。
• 能够在压力下工作并在截止日期完成工作。
• 能够每天积极为团队作出贡献。
• 必须懂英文和普通话。

To Apply, please send your resume to :info@trenderclothing.com
应聘请发简历到 :info@trenderclothing.com
