🔥 主题:

有税务经验会计 tax accountant

💸 时薪:面议
🍻 分类:销售助理文员
🕛 发表时间:10/20/22
🕒 上次编辑:10/20/22
🕕 最后更新:10/20/22
💬 联系:

1. PT or FT 有税务经验会计 tax accountant
税务会计:有公司,销售,薪水,个人税务工作经验, 沟通能力佳, 细心,耐心,负
责丶英语说写流利。(有quickbooks and tax preparation 经验优先)

2. Junior Accountant
2 years Degree in Accounting, must speak fluent English and Chinese with strong communication skills. Must be self motivated and hard working.

Applicants should reside in Flushing

Please EMAILResume: topusa888@gmail.com
