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💸 时薪:面议
🍻 分类:其他各类招聘
🕛 发表时间:06/29/23
🕒 上次编辑:06/29/23
🕕 最后更新:06/29/23
💬 联系:

I am Daniel Kim;s dentist practicing in New York city;northern new jersey and Connecticut for 18 years. My offices are implant driven practices which cover A to Z in implant dentistry. I am looking for a general dentist as an associate. I am willing to train them from the scratch about all phase of dentistry which includes orthodontics;prosthodontics, TMD and implantology as long as one can be committed for long term employment. No prior implant training is necessary. My past associate placed 500 implants, restored more than a thousand and completed 100 cases of straight wire Ortho cases before started his own. Thank you for taking time my messages and hope I will hear from someone soon.

Daniel Kim DDS.

有意者请把resume发送至gentleimplant@gmail.com 或致电646-441-7954
