🔥 主题:


💸 时薪:面议
🍻 分类:诊所药房
🕛 发表时间:01/31/24
🕒 上次编辑:01/31/24
🕕 最后更新:01/31/24
💬 联系:

唐人街和八大道眼科诊所真心诚聘前台,医生助理; 友善的工作环境,灵活的工作时间。我们提供带薪假期,医疗保险,退休金计划和奖金。我们会为无经验的人才提供陪训。要求流利的双语。请寄简历到:eyemednyc@gmail.com

Ophthalmology practice with
offices in Manhattan39;s Chinatown and on Brooklyn39;s 8th Ave is hiring medical receptionists and medical
assistants. Full time or part time. Experience preferred but not necessary. We
will provide training. Salary plus benefit package, including paid vacation/holidays,
health insurance, dental and vision insurance, 401K plan with matching, and
bonus. Friendly working environment and flexible working schedules. Must be
fluent in both English and Chinese (Cantonese, Fujianese or Mandarin). Please
send resume to eyemednyc@gmail.com to apply.
