🔥 主题:

纽约内衣店招聘全职/兼职销售员 基本时薪+佣金(面议)

💸 时薪:$15USD
🍻 分类:销售助理文员
🕛 发表时间:02/10/23
🕒 上次编辑:02/16/23
🕕 最后更新:02/10/23
💬 联系:

纽约内衣店招聘全职/兼职销售员(NY Lingerie Store Hiring Full-Time/Part-Time Sales Associate)
基本时薪+佣金(面议)(Basic Hourly Rate + Commission, To be discussed during interview)

公司简介 (Company Introduction)
Bradelis New York于纽约创立,是一家针对亚洲女性身材为主的日本调整型内衣品牌。
Bradelis New York is an American-Japanese shaping lingerie brand targeting Asian fit.

(Able to work 3-4 days per week, 6-8 hours per day)
(No related experience required, must be responsible and a good team player)

工作内容和条件 (Job duties & Requirements):
1. 协助日常店铺运营(接客,库存整理,销售报告等)
Assist in daily store operations (customer service, inventory check, sales report etc.)
2. 懂基本电脑操作
Basic computer skills
3. 中文和英文两种语言可交流(欢迎懂日语的有兴趣人士)
Able to communicate in Mandarin and English (Japanese welcome)
4. 具备合法工作身份
Qualified to work in US
5. 能周末工作
Must be able to work on weekends


Interested parties please send resume to bradelisshop@gmail.com
Store site: https://bradelisnewyork.com/pages/stores

We look forward to meeting you.
Please mention NYJobSite when you contact us.
