🔥 主题:


💸 时薪:面议
🍻 分类:销售助理文员
🕛 发表时间:08/15/22
🕒 上次编辑:08/15/22
🕕 最后更新:08/15/22
💬 联系:

位于纽约 曼哈顿的繁华地段,交通方便,医疗美容中心:福利好,全职能胜任的人才可享受病/年假,保险津贴和退休保险津贴,现招数位前台,「需讲流利英文,需报税,办事认真负责,学习能力强 」有经验者优先,无经验者可培训。

兼职- $17-20/hour,

全职- 年薪 $45,000-50,000 加提成 (4天/周)

We are hiring front desk receptionists, must speak fluent English, be able to file tax, responsible and are able to work in fast pace environment. Part time: $17-$20/hourFull time:$45,000-50,000/year plus bonus (4 days/week) full time employees can be qualified for paid sick/vacation days, health insurance benefits and retirement plan benefits. On the job training is required

Contact Anna by text if you are interested in this position (212)-433-2555

有意者请发短信联系Anna (212)-433-2555
