🔥 主题:

位于新泽西Perth Amboy的大型仓库JDL招全职 FBA专员职位

💸 时薪:面议
🍻 分类:保姆家政清洁
🕛 发表时间:07/12/23
🕒 上次编辑:07/12/23
🕕 最后更新:07/12/23
💬 联系:

位于新泽西Perth Amboy的大型仓库JDL招全职【FBA专员职位】
Full-time job for a large warehouse in Perth Amboy, NJ 【FBA Specialist】


Job Requirement:
1. Have a legal working status
2. Able to speak and write in fluent English is mandatory, Chinese is NOT required
3. Able to operate computer input and office software
4. Having good health condition, good at coordination and communication management, as well as willing to engage in the warehousing and logistics industry for a long time
5. Having an educational background of College or above OR warehouse work experience or management experience will be preferred

1. 负责与订单相关的文书工作并及时执行装运准备工作
2. 通过准确履行职责并注重细节来保持库存控制
3. 仓库维护(清洁、组织) 向领班、团队负责人、主管、经理报告
4. 仓库位于新泽西Perth Amboy,通勤自行解决
5. 每周工作5天,每天8小时左右,08:30 - 17:00,偶尔单量多时会有加班
6. 也接受OPT, day 1 CPT, 表现优秀者支持H1B办理

Work Situation:
1. Responsible for paperwork associated with orders and timely execution of preparation for shipment.
2. Maintains inventory control by performing duties with accuracy and attention to detail.
3. Warehouse upkeep (cleanliness, organization) Reports to Foreman, Team Lead, Supervisor, and Manager.
4. The warehouse is located in Perth Amboy, NJ. Commuting is self-sufficient
5. Work 5 days a week, about 8 hours a day, 08:30 - 17:00, occasionally there will be overtime due to a large volume of orders
6. Accept OPT, day 1 CPT, those who perform well support H1B processing

1. 医疗保险
2. 假期
3. 病假

1. Medical Insurance
2. Vacation
3. Sick Leave

请有意者电话或短信联系 (Phone Number):(718)790-2938
或加微信 (Wechat):tathchan
或将简历投至邮箱 (Email): tat.chan@jd.com
